Move files and folders with the best migration tool there is and see how easy file migrations can be. Movebot is cloud-native with no infrastructure setup or management and has the most platform support of any file migration tool. Move files between platforms at will with unmatched speeds and detailed reporting before, during, and after the migration.
50GB free trial, no credit card required.
Forget about setting up and managing VMs and provisioning software licenses. Movebot is completely in the cloud and managed through an intuitive web interface. Connect your platforms in minutes and start moving terabytes with a file migration tool that just works.
Update filenames, stop duplications, and convert proprietary file types automatically so users can go straight to work in the new platform with all of their files ready to go.
Move files from any drive type between storage platforms at will. Map entire drives down to a single folder with full control, with options to preserve permissions and migrate versions as well.
Users can continue working in the source even while the migration is in progress thanks to advanced Delta Migrations that find and move only new and newly-modified files.
Find out the status of your migration at any point before, during, and after your migration with reporting, logging, and alerting features you can access at any time.
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